Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rumour has it...

No it's not Adele's new hit song and really it isn't a rumour.

The elementary school where OnlyDaughter went to kindergarten through sixth grade will no longer have students attending there.  Mr. P and I stopped after I got home from work to take some pics for OnlyDaughter.  Two teachers were wheeling out rolling carts filled with classroom supplies and loading them in their cars.
One teacher very kindly asked me if her car was in the way for my picture taking, which it wasn't.  She confirmed that today was the last day anyone would be occupying the building in its role as a school.  We haven't heard what, if any, plans there are for the building and the grounds.

OnlyDaughter's kindergarten classroom.  Remember it N and your kindergarten teacher?

The main school building. 

An end of an era for a lot of students and teachers.

A picture of the sky from the driveway at the school around 5PM today.  The day has been beautiful.

After dinner, I cut lettuce and picked a colander full of sugar peas.  Marauding deer plowed through the garden overnight eating the tops of all the potato plants and snacking on one of my pickling cucumber and zucchini plants for dessert.
My walking buddy and I are going to go out for a walk again this evening.  No rain in the forecast for tonight so I think we'll be able to finish our usual four mile trek. 

Hope you are having a good day wherever you are.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Only Mom! I'm just back from my writers' retreat. Love the pics of Mt. Zion! I do indeed remember the kindergarten building with Mrs. E. There were round tables for the students. I spent 6 years at Mt. Zion.
