Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, 2012

 It's Friday evening, I'm sitting here listening to the rain coming down and we are to have a humdinger of a storm tonight.  Tornado warning, flood warning for our area.  We have battened down the hatches as they say and are settled in for the evening.  Mr. P went down to The Puddle Pond today to take the first of the month picture.  While it may look like there are a lot of lily pads still on the pond, there are a lot less than before.  The heavy rain should beat down any that are dead and dying.  The little john boat next to the dock has been emptied of water that has collected from rain over the past week or so and turned upside down.

I promised a picture of the grape-like "fruits that are hanging in clusters on that most interesting shrub at the side of the house.  The birds will have it cleaned of in short order and the leaves have already started to turn yellow-orange.  It's a most intriguing shrub!

Our garden got an early start with the warmer than normal temps back in March and is going strong.  I have been cutting lettuce every few days and harvesting asparagus almost every day.  I wonder if the early beginning for the asparagus patch will mean this wonderful veggie will be done before the end of June.

Our sugar and snap peas are climbing the netting and are full of flowers.  Other veggies planted are onions, leeks, zucchini, yellow squash, two types of cucumbers, potatoes, radishes and lettuce.  An empty spot was seeded with beets and there is a small plot where the horses corral used to be located with kale, kohlrabi, pumpkin and watermelon. 

I borrowed a BBC sitcom series entitled Doc Martin from the library last week.  Mr P and I started watching it last evening and it is really cute.  Long story short is Doc Martin was a former surgeon who leaves brain surgery to become a GP in a quirky little village.   I highly recommend it even with only two episodes under our belt.
The rain is to end overnight and tomorrow is to be dry but cool.  My two walking buddies and I will be out early tomorrow morning for our weekend constitutional.  I will be helping out at the local library for a while in the early afternoon and then getting my Mom so we can finish the jig saw puzzle we started some time ago.
I hope the weekend is nice wherever you are.  Enjoy!
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1 comment:

  1. Changes afoot on the pond there! nice little berry bush there, we had something with similar leaves but the berries were red it died 2yrs ago :( shame I liked it. What a fantastice selection of veg you are going to enjoy this year!
