Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Look what i found on the trunk in the family room.  The two missing pieces of the puzzle.  The only reasonable explanation is that they dropped to the floor at some time during the past few weeks, were picked up and placed on the trunk (why they weren't put back on the puzzle table is anyones guess) and got shuffled under a few pieces of paper.  The pieces of paper got moved last evening and Voila!!!

The puzzle was already dismantled and returned to its box so the offending pieces where plunked in with the rest.

The weather forecast here is calling for showers every afternoon through Thursday of this week.  My neighbor and walking buddy, R, called last evening to schedule a walk.  Agreed upon time was 7PM and this is a picture of the sky just prior to our departure.

Overnight on Sunday, a storm moved through here dumping rain and whipping up winds.  At the start of our walk, we moved branches off the edges of the roadway so as not to brush and maybe scratch any passing cars. 
About a mile out, the rain began to fall and the consensus was to turn around and head back homeward.  We got about 1/4 of a mile homeward bound and the rain began to fall harder.  We were getting wet and several people drove by waved to us (probably because we are familiar faces as a result of our frequent walks) which made us laugh.  Both R and I forgot to take our cell phones so we kept walking, trying to pick up the pace and starting to get drenched. 

Mr P was on the deck at home when the rain began.  He realized my cell phone was not with me and the rain was starting to really come down so he came to our rescue and drove in the car to meet us.   Almost as soon as we were in the car, the heavens opened up and the rain poured down.  We dropped R off at her house and came home where I dried off. 

It's almost fall-like here today and rain is forecast again this evening.
I will be at the local library tonight doing my volunteering which involves anything that needs done.
Hoping you have a good day wherever you are.
My sister-in-law V had a safe trip from PA to WVA today and Grandson #2 moved up from grade 4 to grade 5.  Grandson #1 will move up tomorrow and summer vacation will begin for the boys.
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