Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Summer's Midway Point

Hazy, hot and humid has been the weather here for most of July with lots of rain thrown into the mix.  Today started out with rain drops hitting sporadically on my windshield as I drove to work.  By the time I left to head home, the weather was beautiful.  The sun was out and the humidity gone and tomorrow is to be more of the same.  Heat and humidity are to return this weekend but at least it's to be dry.

4th of July gathering at our house with family.  My Mom, sister J, her hubby B, sister K, her hubby D and brother K and his wife K got together for the day.  Lots of good food and many games of pinochle.  Surprisingly enough my Mom was outside playing cards and visiting and the jig saw puzzle was an afterthought until right before it was time for her to be taken home.  I made some little individual apple pies using a recipe from Glorious Treats blog and sister J made little individual banana creme pies for dessert.  The menu included Tequila Lime Chicken on the grill using Ina Garten's recipe, Kelsey Nixon's Charred Corn Salad, cowboy baked beans, homemade potato salad and macaroni salad, and a very different Lemon ricotta cheese.

After dark, we all headed down to The Puddle Pond to enjoy the fireworks display that the neighbors offer and we can enjoy due to our proximity to their property.

A trip to OnlyDaughter's at the end of last week for a few days.  Mr P, brother-in-law D and OnlySonInLaw played in a golf tournament benefiting Muscular Dystrophy.  OnlySonInLaw has sponsored two teams of four guys each for the last few years.  The  day was rainy for the guys but OnlyDaughter and I enjoyed a pedicure before getting a call to pickup Grandson #2 from camp.  Grandson #1 is currently out of the country with a youth group and that has been quite an adventure for him and his parents so far.  During our visit, a trip was taken to the property where they are planning on building a new home soon and the unusual fungi were allover the place.  Maybe they grow well because the setting is wooded and probably all the rain hasn't hurt their growth but some of them were really unusual.  None of them were any we thought might be edible like the morels my Dad used to forage and cook for us when I was young.

I finished knitting the socks for the month of March (boy am I behind) and started on a pair promised to a coworker before I retire.  Seeing as how that timeframe is now down to a little over 3 months left to work, I better concentrate on getting those done.

Hoping you are having a good week.  Until next time...