Sunday, January 11, 2015


Full moon, fog, Mr P's surgery, time spent at hospital, time spent at work, time spent at home and cold, cold temperatures.  All these happened in the span of a week's time.  A full day waiting at the hospital until surgery was over with a good outcome.  Work during the day, hospital visits in the evenings, coming home afterward to get things together for the next day and then hit the sack.  We were both tired by the time he came home on Friday and are now spending the weekend recuperating and relaxing as best we each can.  

 There has been no mention by the weatherman of a polar vortex but boy has it been cold.  Temperatures overnight and in the early mornings in the single digits and the days not getting above freezing.  Finished the second gray tube sock for OnlySonInLaw which will be mailed with the rest of his birthday goodies tomorrow.  Started another pair of socks which I will offer to Grandson #1 when they are done.  Made a batch of Toll House chocolate chip cookies yesterday.

Mr P, myself and our brotherinlaw, D,  worked like crazy before Mr P's surgery date to finish cutting and splitting as much as possble of the last big load of firewood that we had purchased some time ago.  There are fewer than 10 trees that still need cut and a fairly large pile to be split but with brotherinlaw, D's, help in warmer weather, it will be done.  No more purchasing firewood in this manner.  From now on it will be purchased cut and split and I can stack the wood.  Sometimes it takes a while to realize that things that you did for years, can no longer be done the way they were.  This is the realization for Mr P and the preparation of firewood for future use.  Don't worry, we won't freeze since the house has an oil-fired furnace which was replaced with a new energy-efficient one within the past 7 years.

Hope you are staying warm if you are having the same chilly temps that we are right now. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014; Welcome 2015

December came and went and along with it 2014.  
The Volunteer Dinner at the library this year had a Mexican theme for our dinner and it was nice to see all the other volunteers that we only see about once a year.  
There was a visit made in rather dreary weather to share Christmas with OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw, Grandson's #1 and #2 and the four-legged creatures that reside with them.  There was a trip made to the newly purchased property, rides on the four-wheelers and exploration of one area of a stream at the bottom of a ravine on the grounds.  

Today is the first day of the new year, 2015.  It will be a year of anticipation for me as I prepare for retirement in October 2015.  No resolutions have been made so there are none to be broken or unfulfilled.  The traditional meal of pork and sauerkraut was just shared with friends of many years and my contribution was a loaf of freshly made bread.  
Mr P is scheduled for surgery again soon so things will move at a slower pace here over the next few months.  With this in mind there has been a flurry of activity over the past week to cut, split and stack as much of the firewood left from the original 22 ton pile as possible.  BrotherInLaw, D, was a great help earlier in the week with this project and has agreed to help out again on Saturday.  Keep your fingers crossed that all the logs get cut and a large majority split, if not all of it.  In the future firewood will be purchased cut and split which means only stacking will be required.