Sunday, March 29, 2015

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lion

Where did the month of March go?  The weather seemed to dictate the entire month.  Snow, cold temperatures, school delays because of the weather and burning lots of firewood.  That's what the month was all about.
In between, there was work, volunteer time at the library, knitting (I'm just finishing my second sock for the month of February), reading and a little sewing for Grandson #2's birthday.  The guinea pigs were found on the ric rac blog and the templates were part of a special edition of the Mollie Makes magazine (UK). 
Friday evening I started cleaning off my asparagus bed.  There was snow yesterday and cold temperatures but my walking buddies and managed to get in our four mile walk.
I'll be back next month when hopefully there will be warmer weather and signs of spring.
Enjoy your weekend wherever you are!