Sunday, October 28, 2012

We Interupt the Williamsburg Posts..

to bring you news of Hurricane Sandy.  Currently still out in the Atlantic Ocean, models on television show that we will be hit with heavy rain causing flooding and high winds causing power outages.  Rainfall predictions for our area are for six to eight inches between now and Tuesday.  Winds are to get up to sustained speeds of up to 70 mph.

Mr P mowed the lawn on Friday to mulch the many leaves laying on the ground to get rid of the potentially soggy ground cover.  The front porch is stacked with firewood, leaves have been blown from the house roof and the gutters cleaned out.  A much needed trip to the grocery store on Saturday for the normal weekly shopping made me think that everyone else decided to get to the store exactly when I was there.  There was no bottled water in any size container on the shelves.  Good news was that I didn't have to wait in line to fill the car up with gas but business was brisk at the pumps too. 

Right now, there is work tomorrow but that could change as the week progresses since the storm brought inland by Sandy is to cause problems for more than just a day or two.  We feel fortunate to have a whole house generator so unless a tree falls on the house or the generator, putting it out of commission, our problems should be kept to a minimum. One of our main concerns is saturation of the ground around our home which is wooded and then winds that easily topple trees, pulling them up by the roots. 

No pictures in this post since I have none at this time related to the storm.  I'll try to keep you posted on the happenings as the week moves on during the Frankenstorm, as the news media has dubbed this monstrosity.

Fortunately, my walking buddy and I got out for our early morning walk both yesterday and today.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and the Williamsburg posts will continue shortly.

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