Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Lesson Continues

We decided to take a carriage ride around the city to get a better sense of where things were in the city and our "coachman" Kate offered much information and many tidbits about things that would be of interest and shouldn't be missed.

Did we take this carriage? No, even though Mr P loved the dappled gray horse.

This one?  Nope!

We choose the Carter C.  The Carter Carriage was the carriage of the Carter family whose home is located to the right side of the Governor's Palace at the end of the Palance Green.  The carriage is in the picture below and as mentioned above our "coachman" was Kate.  Kate, who has driven carriages at Colonial Williamsburg for three years, explained that she was a coachman because during this time period there would not have been any women drivers, therefore, no coachwomen or coachpersons - all terms that would be considered more politically correct these days.
Our horses were Jeremiah in the back in this photo and Thomas in the forefront and they have been Kate's team since December 2011.

The step up into the carriage is steel and drops down from the interior of the coach after the door is opened.  Kate was gracious, assisting me in entering the carriage and then taking some photos, at our request, after our carriage ride.

What a fun ride!
Our mid-day meal was taken at one of the authentic taverns within the city.  We chose the Chowning Tavern which was opened by Josiah Chowning in 1766.  

Upon reviewing the beverage menu, I knew immediately what I wanted to drink.  Our waitstaff suggested Mr P have a bottle of Old Stitch, an ale that is brewed, bottled and now sold in gift shops in the City.   

I ordered a Pimm's Cup - a favourite British cocktail.  It consists of a blend of Pimms #1 and ginger ale and was lovely.  Now I'm on the hunt for Pimms so I can enjoy this fortified drink at home.
Lunch was pork for Mr P and roast beef for me and was delicious.
There was much more to see and do after lunch so look for my next post.

PS The local liquor store carries Pimms #1.  I will be stopping this evening after work to pick up a bottle.
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