Let me start of by correcting information in my post yesterday. The wind speeds are to be between 30-40 mph (sustained) with gusts at 60+ mph. Rain has been falling all day. It was a lighter rain earlier today but now there are sheets of heavy rain coming down. Winds have also picked up in frequency and intensity as the day moves on. It's now dark outside but we can hear the wind howling in the trees around the house.
The power blinked off and right back on about an hour ago and it's probably only a matter of time before it goes out again and doesn't pop back on. When the power blinked, the motion detection light at the garage came on so Mr P went out to set things right so the light goes out after a few minutes. As he was headed back in the house, he heard a big crack off to the left of the house back in the woods. Damage will be assessed tomorrow in the daylight.
The Governor canceled work today and also tomorrow. I had already taken tomorrow off work to go to some appointments. One appointment for tomorrow morning was confirmed by telephone early this morning. Later in the day, the other appointment was rescheduled due to the weather and as we were having dinner, the earlier appointment was postponed and will be rescheduled on Wednesday when everyone feels things will be getting back to normal.
What to do with an unscheduled day off work? I tidied up the house, ran the vacuum in some rooms and then settled in front of the TVto watch the news of the storm as it slammed the Eastern seaboard. I also worked on a crocheted afghan that I started earlier this month. I love to knit and while I can crochet, I don't do as much so it takes much more concentration on my part.
Last Thursday was the day I turned another year older. OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw, Grandsons #1 and #2 and all the four-leggers in their household had a lovely arrangement of fall flowers delivered along with a big box of chocolates. I will try to get another picture of the vase which will become a candle holder once the flowers are done.
The flowers below were given to me by my coworkers and there was homemade carrot cake (my favorite). Mr P got me new sneakers (leather so that my toes don't poke through so quickly while the tread is still good on the soles).
Thanks to all family and friends who took the time to wish me a happy day.
I will be back tomorrow to report on where things stand with Hurrican Sandy. Hope you are high and dry wherever you are and also not caught in the snowstorms some areas of the country are experiencing on the fringes of the storm.