Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pies and more


Thanksgiving was spent with OnlyDaughter and her family and I offered to make the pies.  There were two pumpkin pies, which are a favorite with all, and an apple pie.  Mid-month Mr P and I stopped at a local orchard and picked up some York and Northern Spy apples for baking.  The Northern Spy are an heirloom apple and both were delicious just for eating.  The leftover pie dough got rolled into a crude rectangle, spread with butter, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, rolled and baked with the pie.  This is a favorite of Mr P who wolfs it down as soon as it is cool with a big glass of cold milk.

When I was working my boss gave me a Christmas cactus plant that had been hers.  I set it on the window sill at work and me and my coworkers all delighted when it would set buds and bloom twice a year.  The standing joke at work was that when the plant disappeared from the window sill, I would be gone.  Well, it came home with me at retirement (I know, I know, it left earlier than I said, sorry about that) but I wanted my boss to see that it was thriving here at my home.  I continue to enjoy looking at lots and lots of beautiful pink blooms each day.  Thank you C! 

We pulled the camera from in the woods behind the house to see what we managed to capture and got a few chuckles.  There were quite a few snaps of a woodpecker (I've included one above) that was either interested in the camera or was working on making holes in the tree.  There were also pictures of four different bucks that move back and forth behind the house.  There were some of a spike buck with really long spikes, a six-point buck, a buck with only one antler on the left side and this big beautiful boy above, an eight-point buck.
Deer hunting started on Monday, November 30th and goes until December 12th.  I'm hoping all of the deer that travel through the back yard don't get taken and so far we've heard very little shooting since the season opened at daybreak on Monday.  On Monday, Mr P just happened to look out back and noticed some movement in the woods.  There was a fox moving through and while we watched, it took some time to lay down for a short rest before moving on.  I would like to get some chickens next year and so need to keep in mind that there are fox in the vicinity that would love a chicken dinner.  

November was a very warm month and December arrived on Tuesday a little cooler and wet.  Today it's still wet so I'll have to try and fit a walk in between the rain drops.  
Hoping you are having a good week wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! Glad to see the CC is enjoying its new home! Nice buck! I write this from my treestand on the final day of the 2015 season. C
