Friday, March 8, 2013

Where, oh where, did February go?

Here is the March 1st picture of The Puddle Pond (or maybe it was taken on March 2nd since Mr P forgot to go down during the day on the 1st to snap the photo).

It's been quite a while since I posted anything here.  I won't make any excuses because I just haven't taken the time to get any pictures or make time to post.  Let's blame it on the mid-winter doldrums.

Mr P has been busy with the camera during the day when I am at work.  Noticing the absence of birds at the many bird feeders we have stationed on our back deck, he noticed this hawk just at the edge of the woods.  

The few remaining pictures are of some of the herd of about 14 deer that roam in the vicinity of our neighbors and our home.  I have a cool lawn ornament that OnlyDaughter and OnlySonInLaw bought me which is a dragon.  One part is his head and shoulders, the middle section is one of his humps and the final section is his tail.  These marauders below knock over the pieces as they wander through my flower bed in the early morning hours.

These will be the same scavengers who will visit my garden this summer and eat a good portion of what I plant.  We are toying with the idea of fencing in the garden but haven't figured out the dilemna that poses in figuring out how to get the rototiller inside the fence and down the rows if we need to till.

Tomorrow night at 2AM Daylight Savings Time begins.  I remember how to turn the clocks by reminding myself, Spring move them forward, Fall move them back.
My walking buddy and I will start out our walk at 6AM in almost full daylight but Sunday morning we will be back in the dark.
I like that it will stay light longer as the days begin lengthening.
With temperatures predicted to reach the 50's tomorrow, unless it's too muddy, there's lots to do outside.  Here's hoping your weekend is a good weekend and you enjoy some of the same lovely weather. 
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