Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Today is Easter Sunday.  Mr P and I are spending a quiet day here at home today.  Instead of the traditional Easter ham, we are having roast turkey breast.  Pickled eggs and beets are the traditional dish for today.  My walking buddy, R, and her hubby invited us to stop up at their home later this afternoon for some dessert.
The three photos below were taken last Monday.  About six inches of snow fell where we live but the ride to work wasn't a problem.  The roads were wet, not snow covered.  Everything was melted by the next day.


Yesterday was a lovely day.  I managed to clean up and weed my asparagus bed.  Rain is in the forecast for this afternoon so my plans to continue to work outside in a flower bed might have to be put on hold.  The sun keeps trying to peek out and then away it goes again.
Tomorrow is not only the first of April (The Puddle Pond photo day) but April Fool's Day.
Several years ago, Mr P told me, as I was leaving for work in the morning, that I had a flat tire.  I proceeded to grumble and tell him that I would have to take the second car and he would need to get the tire fixed.  Checking my tires, I realized that I had been caught with an April Fool's Day trick.  The entire ride in to work, I told myself that I would not be caught again that day.  I mentioned this to a coworker, S,  when I arrived to begin work for the day.  Shortly thereafter, one of my other coworkers, D, called to say she had been admitted to a local hospital early in the morning for appendicitis and was scheduled for surgery that day.  I kept exclaiming how surprised I was. I went so far as to ask for her room number at the hospital so that a group of us could stop at lunchtime if she thought she would be up to visitors.  S was listening to my side of the conversation and realized I had been caught again.  She kept saying "It's April Fool's Day!". Finally, when the lightbulb went off, I asked D if she really was in the hospital and she said Nope, she was in the car on her way to work.  We all had a good laugh once she arrived but
I have become very skeptical on this day.  Hopefully, it will never be a case where someone is in real distress and I will disregard them thinking it is a joke.
Hoping your holiday celebrations at this time of year (Easter, Passover, etc) are happy!
I'll be back tomorrow with the April 1st picture of The Puddle Pond. 
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