Saturday, April 25, 2015

Wunderbar Volkswagens

Earlier today, we took a drive down to Mount Hope Estate and Winery in Lebanon for a VW show and swap meet.  Peche (our 1974 Beetle) stayed at home but plans are next year to drive our beetle down and enter her in the show.  There were both old and new cars; beetles, buses, Things, Jetta's, Karmann Ghia's and some other VW's I had never heard of.  Some were all fixed up and show ready and for others beauty was in the eye of the owner.  There were some the same year as ours (the blue one above) and I loved the one's with the eye-lids on the headlights. 

Volkswagens were manufactured and marketed by German automaker 'Volkswagen' (VW) from 1938-2003.  They were air-cooled, rear-engined and had rear-wheel drive configuration.  Peche was purchased about a year before OnlyDaughter turned 16 years old as a economical car for her use. Mr. P worked at a neighbor's garage to get the bug ready for the her to take on the road.   She used the bug during her senior high school years and everyone from school remembers her as the girl who drove the green bug.  After years of use, Peche was restored and kept in the garage for fair-weather use.  When Grandson #2 was very small, whenever he visited us, he always asked if he could see "that little green car in the garage" and when shown the car, he would ask if he could sit in it and "drive" it. The plan was always to give it to him when he reached driving age but because of concerns about safety (no air bags and only seat belts - no shoulder straps), he will just have to ask to see it again when it makes it's home with OnlyDaughter in the future. 

The weather was very cold this morning so after strolling the grounds to take a look at the various cars on the grounds, taking a peek at the parts and goods that the vendors were offering and then watching for a while as VW's continued to stream into the show, we took our leave.  There was one purchase made but I haven't decided if it will be gifted to OnlyDaughter or kept for myself.  If I decide to keep it, I will post a picture at some other time. 

It was good to get home and sip a cup of warming coffee.  Have a good day wherever you are!

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