I grew up in a large family with five other siblings, four sisters and one brother. I never thought we were poor; since we had a roof over our heads and enough food to eat but there weren't funds for a lot of extras that weren't considered necessities. We learned early on what we could and couldn't ask for.
Birthdays were always a cause for celebration in our family and most always included my Dad's sister, Aunt F and her husband, Uncle B who were regular Wednesday and Sunday evening visitors to our home. When each of us was deemed old enough to sit up at the dining room table and learn to play pinochle, we learned how to play and then were often recruited to take turns on Wednesday and Sunday evenings to be the fourth person in many games of pinochle. Usually the birthday celebration was held on Sunday evening of the week where the celebrant's birthday fell so that Aunt F and Uncle B could join us for cake, ice cream and of course, pinochle.
The birthday party menu was always the same - homemade cake and a big 5 gallon tub of ice cream from Handy Market. I can't remember the exact brand of ice cream in those big tubs but to me it was a delicious treat and it probably contributed to my life long love (and obsession) with ice cream. I love all flavors except for peanut butter and if peanut butter is the only kind available, I've been known to dig in the container around the swirls of peanut butter to capture just the vanilla part.
When Mr P and I were first seeing each other, his birthday arrived. When he came to visit that Sunday evening, there was cake, ice cream and because I was now working and earning my own money, a gift of a dress shirt and tie. He was overwhelmed stating that his family never celebrated birthdays. When OnlyDaughter was born, not only was there cake and ice cream but for many, many years my family was invited to partake with us and make the day special for her. Once OnlyDaughter married and it was more difficult distance-wise to gather and share cake and ice cream, we took on the practice of always calling on the date to sing "Happy Birthday" and send our best wishes by phone.
Several years ago, a personal situation made my birthday a somewhat bittersweet occasion. Because that was a sad day for me , I wanted the celebration to change and be different. No more cake and ice cream; however, OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw and Grandsons #1 and #2 still called to sing (offkey) and send their best wishes by phone. They also have to suffer and take their turn listening to our offkey singing on their special day.
It has taken me several years to decide that my birthday really is a happy day. I have my health, everything I need to be comfortable and loads of family and friends who value me. That said, this year's birthday was a very happy one!
The philosophy in my area at work has always been 'if it's your birthday, you supply the cake, etc. I told the four people that I supervise that I would make their birthday treat this year as my gift to them, which I did making my first cheesecake ever for the last birthday for staff this year. I mentioned earlier in the week at work that I would be bringing in a homemade pumpkin pie on Friday. You know, a fall type, October type, dessert.
I was delightfully surprised at morning break when I went to set out the pie and Cool Whip to see that my staff had contributed goodies of their own. From left to right is: Cool Whip, homemade macaroni salad from J, my pumpkin pie, a nifty fruit creation from C, a cream puff cake from D and Auntie Anne pretzel bites with ham and cheese rolled inside also from J.

Earlier in the week a box arrived from OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw and Grandsons #1 and #2. I waited to open it until the Big Day and opened it that morning before leaving for work. The cute card which noted the wish was for me to enjoy the contents of the box.
Birthdays were always a cause for celebration in our family and most always included my Dad's sister, Aunt F and her husband, Uncle B who were regular Wednesday and Sunday evening visitors to our home. When each of us was deemed old enough to sit up at the dining room table and learn to play pinochle, we learned how to play and then were often recruited to take turns on Wednesday and Sunday evenings to be the fourth person in many games of pinochle. Usually the birthday celebration was held on Sunday evening of the week where the celebrant's birthday fell so that Aunt F and Uncle B could join us for cake, ice cream and of course, pinochle.
The birthday party menu was always the same - homemade cake and a big 5 gallon tub of ice cream from Handy Market. I can't remember the exact brand of ice cream in those big tubs but to me it was a delicious treat and it probably contributed to my life long love (and obsession) with ice cream. I love all flavors except for peanut butter and if peanut butter is the only kind available, I've been known to dig in the container around the swirls of peanut butter to capture just the vanilla part.
When Mr P and I were first seeing each other, his birthday arrived. When he came to visit that Sunday evening, there was cake, ice cream and because I was now working and earning my own money, a gift of a dress shirt and tie. He was overwhelmed stating that his family never celebrated birthdays. When OnlyDaughter was born, not only was there cake and ice cream but for many, many years my family was invited to partake with us and make the day special for her. Once OnlyDaughter married and it was more difficult distance-wise to gather and share cake and ice cream, we took on the practice of always calling on the date to sing "Happy Birthday" and send our best wishes by phone.
Several years ago, a personal situation made my birthday a somewhat bittersweet occasion. Because that was a sad day for me , I wanted the celebration to change and be different. No more cake and ice cream; however, OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw and Grandsons #1 and #2 still called to sing (offkey) and send their best wishes by phone. They also have to suffer and take their turn listening to our offkey singing on their special day.
It has taken me several years to decide that my birthday really is a happy day. I have my health, everything I need to be comfortable and loads of family and friends who value me. That said, this year's birthday was a very happy one!
The philosophy in my area at work has always been 'if it's your birthday, you supply the cake, etc. I told the four people that I supervise that I would make their birthday treat this year as my gift to them, which I did making my first cheesecake ever for the last birthday for staff this year. I mentioned earlier in the week at work that I would be bringing in a homemade pumpkin pie on Friday. You know, a fall type, October type, dessert.
I was delightfully surprised at morning break when I went to set out the pie and Cool Whip to see that my staff had contributed goodies of their own. From left to right is: Cool Whip, homemade macaroni salad from J, my pumpkin pie, a nifty fruit creation from C, a cream puff cake from D and Auntie Anne pretzel bites with ham and cheese rolled inside also from J.
Earlier in the week a box arrived from OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw and Grandsons #1 and #2. I waited to open it until the Big Day and opened it that morning before leaving for work. The cute card which noted the wish was for me to enjoy the contents of the box.
The package included a beautiful blue leather Filo Fax (planner) and tons of items to go along with it.
I set everything out on the table before leaving for work and was eager to get home in the evening to start checking everything out. The large blue spotted tote is meant to house all the goodies in the boxes.
The smaller of the two boxes was chock block full of all kinds of "stuff" including stickers, note cards, colorful post-it type items, little bear clips, a large bear paper clip and oh so much more. It has been like Christmas going through the box and ooohhhing and aaahhhing over everything.
Here is a close up shot of one of the sticker packets which OnlyDaughter said reminded her of the deer which are residents here at The Puddle Pond.
The larger box contained inserts for the Filo Fax (2014 calendar, etc), a pencil pouch (on the left) and the colorful pouch (on the right) which was filled with lots and lots of washi tape. I can hardly wait to use the washi tape with the pine trees on it with the deer stickums in the picture above. There were colored erasable pens, other markers and chalk markers too.
Here is a picture of some of the washi tape that was zipped up inside that most adorable bag. I can't wait to get started writing, decorating and organizing.
Here is the beautiful blue leather Filo Fax planner. The page dividers were handmade by OnlyDaugher (maybe with help from the boys?) and Grandsons #1 and #2 decorated the pages for the week of my birthday with stickers. What a treasure! Included in the back of the planner was a picture of each Grandson and a laminated drawing that each one made for me. I am still sifting through everything and will have to include pictures as I use the planner and decorate the pages with all the goodies.
Mr P bought me a new Sonicare toothbrush that I had on my wish list and I received other gifts, cards and well wishes from family members and friends. As I said, a good birthday.
It's cold here this weekend and there is a fire going in the woodstove. The walk this morning at 6AM was walked under clear skies, a half moon and brilliant stars.
I purchased cotton yarn to make some fingerless gloves for OnlyDaughter who asked that they be made from cotton since she has had some problems with skin reactions to various things. I will get started on the first pair this evening and can get help on Tuesday at the library if I need it. I don't know how cotton yarn will work but we shall see.
I have laundry to take off the clothesline before trying to decide what to fix for dinner this evening.
Hope you are having a good weekend wherever you are.
I have some special news to post on or before November 2, 2013.