Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Puddle...

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was going to try and follow Lucy's lead and take a picture of The Puddle on the first of each month.  Here are two pictures taken on February 1, 2012.  This one is taken from the end where the dock is located.  The following one is taken from the far other end of The Puddle where we have some grasses planted which are now in that dead, dry winter stage.  

We really haven't had much snow here this winter nor have we had extended cold temperatures during the day and overnight.  We've had a thin coating of ice on The Puddle occasionally over the last few months but nothing that would support any kind of weight.  
The cold that everyone seems to be gifting and re-gifting to other coworkers lately was gifted to me and I was under the weather for the past week.  On Thursday evening, in anticipation of company on Friday evening, a quick trip to the local drugstore and a talk with the pharmacist ended with the purchase of some OTC medicine that seems to be working. 

For anyone reading in the States, especially here in PA, you are well aware that the groundhog, Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow on the 2nd.  Six more weeks of winter is the word but the coffee shop I pass each weekday morning keeps moving along with the countdown until spring. I think I'd rather think ahead to spring than dwell on the fact there is actually six more weeks of winter weather to get through.

This picture is not of Punxatawney Phil but one of the fat squirrels that visits our deck daily to cleanup the dregs left by the birds at the bird feeders.  

It's Super Bowl Sunday and we are rooting for the New England Patriots!  We were hoping the Baltimore Ravens would have made the Super Bowl playoff so the NE Patriots who are in the American Football League the next best thing.  Hope everyone has a good week!

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