Monday, August 17, 2015

The Dog Days of Summer

It's hot and very humid today.  The next few days into next week are to be much of the same.  Friday night dinner was no muss, no fuss because we got take out at Forry's Drive-In and drove over to Pinchot Park to sit and eat.  The water level in the lake is high after some heavy rain overnight this week.  There were no geese in sight but there was an egret sitting out on a rock for a while.

My walking buddy, R, and I got out early this morning but it was a hot walk.  After hanging some freshly washed sheets on the line out back, there was a quick trip to the local Agway for some birdseed and then another stop on the way home for some seeds.

A row of peas, a small row of mixed greens (lettuces) and a small row of radishes were planted when we got home.  Some cucumbers and yellow squash were harvested and this evening I need to pick off  the red tomatoes.  The neck pumpkin at The Puddle Pond have done exceptionally well this year and at least one large one is earmarked to be given to the owners of TJ's Homestyle restaurant.  One of my favorite baked oatmeal combinations that they serve is pumpkin, walnut.  Yum!  It's like Thanksgiving in a bowl.

This post was started on Saturday and it's now Monday evening.  Hot and humid yesterday and again today.  Less humidity as the week progresses.

Hope you are having a good week.

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