Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thank You

Today is Veterans Day here in the United States.  Thank you to all those who have served (including my father, brother-in-law, uncles) and who currently serve (including a niece, nephew, coworker) in the military.  My brother-in-law made service in the US Army a career.  He and his family lived in many places both stateside and overseas.  My home has been in the same state where I was born and within 20 miles of where I grew up.  I salute all those families who routinely uproot themselves and are often single parent families while the military personnel is serving far from home and putting their lives on the line for our freedom.
Being it's Veterans Day, I have the day off work.  Six months ago, I scheduled a doctor's appointment for today.  Once that was out of the way, Mr P and I made a stop to pick up bird seed that had been pre-ordered, followed by breakfast out at Cracker Barrel.
The sun is out and temperatures are to hit 60 degrees F today.  There was some cleanup outside earlier this morning to finish pulling annuals that were hit by the first frost over the weekend.  Mr P is golfing, I will be taking a walk after lunch and finishing the marker for Chance so we can get it in the ground.  We hope to get our three fig trees "winterized" too.
The Try the World box arrived and on the right in the back you can see the country we will visit will be France.  The only item I'm unfamiliar with is the chestnut puree/paste.  The teas and cookies will go good together, won't they.
Election Day came and went and Pennsylvania will have a new governor come January 2015.  What a relief to no longer have to see those nasty TV ads, robo calls and all the cutthroat activities that are part of election campaigns anymore.  
Take care and have a good week.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely box of French goodies. We lived in France for 12 years, and I occasionally bought the Creme des Marrons. I used it in meringues as a filling mixed with whipping cream.
