Sunday, October 12, 2014

Shine on Blood Moon

Wednesday morning around 4:30AM, I took a few pictures of the blood moon from the deck at the back on the house.  The trees blocked a lot of the moon and the pinkish color wasn't supposed to be visible until about 6:15AM.  I leave for work at 6AM during the week so Mr P offered to drive up the road (he's not a walker like me) to a spot where there would be an unhindered view.  He managed to get some nice shots and said that while he really couldn't see the pinkish tinge just looking at the moon, it is visible in the pictures themselves.  All week long when I woke for work, it was so light outside, I felt like I might have overslept.  
Fall is in the air.  The leaves are turning colors here in the Northeast and the air feels crisp.  It was 43 degrees F when my walking buddy, R and I went out at 6AM this morning.  It's such a quiet, peaceful time.  On the way home, there was a doe watching us from the side of the road for quite a while as we approached.  When we stopped to look at work being done on a house in the area, she slid quietly into the woods.  There were about 15 turkeys near the house this morning when Mr P and I returned home from our favorite little breakfast restaurant this morning.
I finished a gray tube sock this morning (for OnlySonInLaw) and started the second one.  I have some yarn to try and make into a baby hat but I'm not sure what I will do with it once it's done.  The yarn is very different and is pink, green and white varigated.  My nephew and his wife are expecting their first baby in February of next year and I want to make them something special so I'm gathering my ideas.  
Tomorrow is Columbus Day, a holiday for me from work.  This is the last Columbus Day holiday I will observe as a day off work since plans are for me to retire next year.  I'm eagerly anticipating retirement.  
It's a beautiful day outside today.  I need to take time to walk down to The Puddle Pond and enjoy the sunshine and fall colors.  
Hope you are having gorgeous weather too.

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