Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 1st and birds

Gosh where has the month of May gone?
Between work, the usual stuff that needs done at home (inside and out now that the weather is warm) and just life in general, the month of May slipped by without stopping.
Here's the 1st of June picture of The Puddle Pond.
The lily pads are back and have been sprayed once already since this picture to keep them in check.  A walk down to the pond over the weekend caused surprise when we realized he water level had dropped about 1 foot within a day.  Several loads of top soil have been dropped at the outlet pipe in the hopes that any leak would be here but time will tell.  Mr P said that when he walked down to the pond this afternoon, the water level had risen some.  It's raining outside right now so that should help unless there is a leak that hasn't been identified.  

Below are pictures of some of the birds we are seeing around the house.
A tree swallow

Blue birds feeding their young.

Swallows that built a nest above the motion detector light again this year.  Boy does the nest look crowded!

One has fledged and the other two look ready to take flight.  
A hen out in the corn field behind the house.  She is a frequent visitor out there along with a gobbler.

Tonight was volunteer night at the local library. While the computers were busy most of the time I was there, otherwise, it was relatively quiet.  One of the jobs I did was using some type of contraption that punches holes in booklets and binds them with a plastic binder.  I put together small cookbooks that the library had published with recipes from the Chocolate Festival that is held every February.  It will be a small fund raiser for the library. 
It's raining outside right now.  The asparagus bed needs some weeding which may be easier to do tomorrow evening since the soil will be loose but hopefully not muddy.
Thanks for stopping to visit.

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