Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Where oh where?

did most of the month of March and half of April go!!!!!

 I'm not really sure.  Here are the 1st of April pictures of The Puddle Pond.  There was ice on a small area of the pond then but no longer.  Everything is starting to get green too since these pictures were taken.

 Two Canadian geese and two wood ducks have been spotted at the pond.  The geese may nest and lay eggs but any ducks that have never stopped long enough to lay eggs and hatch them.  Maybe this year will be a first.

 There have been quite a number of blue birds checking out the housing arrangements at the edge of the woods (boxes provided courtesy of Mr P) and at the feeders at the deck.  The males are so vibrant and blue.  Hopefully, the will take up residence in some of the bluebird houses around the property.
 Some of the activity that took place around The Puddle Pond involved uncovering our septic system in preparation for a cleaning.  Unsure as to whether the clean-out box was under the deck or just outside the deck (it was outside the deck), decking boards were removed.  Check out the mud wasp nest that was on the side of one of the joists. 
During these past four weeks or so, Chance, the resident feline, had a well checkup and then promptly became sick with some sort of bug right before we were headed to OnlyDaughters for a weekend visit.  A quickly scheduled visit to the vets, a shot of antibotics, a shot for nausea and some subcutaneous fluid injections saw her right.  We delayed our departure and instead of leaving on a Friday evening, left on Saturday morning after assuring that she was almost back to normal.

A long weekend visit to OnlyDaughters came and went too quickly. Winter just couldn't seem to let go here in the midstate until this past weekend and unfortunately it returned yesterday afternoon.  
A second visit to OnlyDaughters was made last week.  It was Grandparents Days at Grandson #1 and #2's school.  I will return with photos of that weekend visit in my next post.  
I hope you are having a good week wherever you are.
Have you seen the blood moon?  I'm not sure what time it was visible last night but the night before the weatherman noted that it would be best seen at 12:50AM on Monday morning.  Forget it!  Since I get up at 5AM during the week to get ready for work, there was no way I could rouse myself at that time to see the blood moon.  
Til next time.

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