Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Walking Route

On a recent Friday, I took the day off work for some appointments that were rescheduled due to Hurricane Sandy.  My appointments were in the morning and the day was absolutely gorgeous.  After lunch, I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take a walk along the usual route taken with my walking buddies, R and R.

This post will be part one - the trip out with another post being the trip back.

This picture was taken at the top of my driveway as I turned left onto the street.  You can't really tell but the area on the right before the pine tree is very swampy with lots of wet, mucky mud.  Cat o nine tails grow there during warmer weather.  I point this out because last weekend when R and I headed out at 6AM in the semi-dark, a car was plopped in the swamp.  The mishap had occured hours earlier and the driver had crawled out of the car in knee deep mud, let the homeowner know he was sitting in his swamp and departed for home on muddy feet.  Neither one of us was eager to use our flashlights to look in the car to see if someone was needing help so we turned around quickly and sought assistance from Mr. P.  We were able to continue our walk knowing all was okay.
At the tee in the road which you can just see at the end of the road in this picture, I made a left hand turn.

Off to the right hand side of the road, there has been some logging taking place.  This picture is for  Anne who loves heavy equipment at

This is part of the road traveled once the left hand turn is made off my street.  As you can see Friday is trash collection day in our area.

At the end of this road, a two lane "highway" with fairly wide berms needs crossed and traveled on for a short distance.  At the end of this piece of highway, another left hand turn is made towards the Alpaca Farm.  There will be no pictures of the alpacas unless I get in the car and make a visit to the farm which is open to the public and also has a gift shop of items made from alpaca hair.  

The left hand turn takes me to a rise in the road and at the top of the rise, is a barn and farmhouse just beyond the pasture on the right which is my turning point in the walk.  The barn used to house a lot of horses, both the homeowners and horses being boarded.   A terrible fire several years ago burned the barn and there was a loss of many of the animals.  We would see some horses out grazing after things were somewhat reconstructed but now we see very few.  

While we don't see the horses any longer and there are no other farms on the walk were we would see sheep or other livestock, we do see a few regulars - cats, dogs, chickens and a goat.  In my next post I will show you the critter I came upon on my walk on this particular day who caused me to chuckle.

Yesterday's walk was in very cold, windy weather with a few snow flurries thrown in for good measure.  Today's walk was the same minus the wind and snow.  Flurries are forecast for Tuesday of this week.

Hope everyone in the US had a nice Thanksgiving and good weekend.  

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