Thursday, June 25, 2015

Photos from the CamoCamera

Here are some pictures taken by the Cuddleback camera mounted on a tree in the woods along one of the paths to the Puddle Pond.  The final picture in the group has an incorrect date and time but the rest of them are accurate now that the date and time has been set correctly in the camera.  Often a line of deer move through in the morning coming from the area of the Puddle Pond and headed to either the fields behind our property or the woods beside the house.   There are a couple pictures of a racoon foraging around on the ground and a few of a fawn with its mother.

The weather has been rainy making it hard to get into the garden to weed.  A belt on my clothes dryer broke on Sunday putting it out of action.  It's scheduled to get fixed tomorrow which might be good since rain is in the forecast for most of the weekend.  
Hope you are having a good week wherever you are. 
PS.  I have 3 more workdays in June and less than 90 total workdays before retirement!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Quiet Times

So far our June weather has been hazy, hot, humid, rainy, and sometimes cool.  The split firewood in the wagon has been stacked, the pile that was split and left covered on the ground was loaded into the now empty wagon and will be stacked this week, making way for the next load.  Our detached garage was painted and last weekend, I painted the garage doors and trim.  The porch posts and trim around the front door need painted but it's been too wet when time has been on my side.
Last Saturday, after working all day around the house, we made a trip to a local ice cream stand that is only open during the summer season.  Pinchot Park is literally across the street so after purchasing a burger and fries, we drove down to a mooring area and enjoyed our meal al fresco.  There were a few fisherman out on the lake trying to make the big catch but the most enjoyable part of our meal was watching the geese with their little ones.  Once they came out of the water, the little ones would waddle a little ways and lay down like they were pooped.  So funny!

Yipee, the Puddle Pond has a few more lily pads on the surface but nothing like in years past.  The spraying done by Mr P relentlessly last year to eradicate them has paid off.  At some point, there will be a spraying this year to get rid of those few we are seeing.

A thunderstorm just moved through the area and while it was cooler when it was raining,  the sun is out and it's humid again.  When my walking buddy, R, and I walked at 6AM this morning, we got halfway out on our walk and the rain started.  It wasn't thundering or lightening so we weren't too worried but there we were about 3/4 of the way home and soaked when Mr. P arrived in the car to pick us up and bring us home.

The garden is doing well so far this year.  The asparagus is finished and now turning into beautiful ferns.  Things harvested so far this year have been leaf lettuce mix, radishes, kale and today, a kohlrabi was pulled as a gift to someone.  There is always a little weeding that can be done and the beets need thinned.  I will try and get a picture of the garden soon and I will be doing a short post soon of some of the pictures that our CamoCamera in the woods of the animals that prowl around during the day and night.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  Until next time.