Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter Solstice

Thanksgiving saw us driving through snow to spend the holiday with OnlyDaughter, OnlySonInLaw, Grandson's #1 and #2 and the three four-legged friends at their home.  Our Thanksgiving dinner was traditional fare.  The boys and I played some Monopoly and Parcheesi and OnlyDaughter and I started some jig saw puzzles that all helped with here and there.  Both puzzles made the return trip back to our home so that my Mom, Gigi, could be as frustrated as we were.
OnlyDaughter and OnlySonInLaw had settlement in early November on some land closer to the location of the grandson's school(s).  They hope to break ground on the construction of a new home in the spring.  While we were visiting over Thanksgiving, we all made a visit to the property for delivery of two four-wheelers that will enable them to move around their property with ease.  They have since had some issues with folks who, having probably hunted on their property in the past, are unhappy seeing it posted and no hunting allowed.  Hopefully, there won't be too many problems until things can be fully secured since they aren't in residence yet.
The Puddle Pond had a skim of ice on it early this morning but with the sun out now, it's probably gone.  
For some reason, I am ambivalent this year about the fact that Christmas Eve is in three days!  Yesterday I did a little baking and cooking which I needed to do so it could be included in the gifts I will be taking in to work tomorrow for my co-workers.  I need to make some seasoned nuts for OnlySonInLaw and if I'm feeling ambitious, a few more cookies.  Mr P assisted today in addressing gift tags as we pulled together the gifts I had stashed for everyone.  
This will be my last Christmas celebrated as a working stiff.  Even knowing this, I couldn't really get into the Christmas dinner at work, I will be glad when Christmas is past and we turn into the new year.   Our division has their annual luncheon tomorrow which will be the last celebration at work. My focus these days is by October next year I will be retired and I am so ready.  I have a countdown going at work for the remainder of 2014 and lo and behold, I only have 6 days to work this year.  I'll start next year with a countdown of the months and eventually narrow it down to days as the year moves along.  There are certain processes to be followed in preparing for retirement so I will be mapping out a timeline.  
Winter Solstice arrives at 6:03PM today.  Exciting, since daylight will begin to lengthen just a bit each day from here on out.  Going to work in the dark, or taking my weekend walks in the dark is not a downer for me.  I find my drive in to work is a time of reflection and I enjoy the solitude until I pick my car-pooler up about 1/3 of the way into the trip.  When my walking buddy, R, and I walked this morning, the skies were beautiful and the quiet around us peaceful.