Last weekend has come and gone. It didn't help that I was under the weather struggling to rid myself of a cold that I picked up at work. It was a quiet weekend and temps were cold so I stayed inside most of the weekend.
A new camera is in residence with better zoom capability. I haven't had a lot of opportunity to use it yet but Mr P used it to take the first of the month picture of The Puddle Pond. A lot of the snow around the pond has melted but ice and snow are still on top of the pond.
This picture of the back of the house was taken from down at the pond which is about 100 yards away. I'm hoping to get lots of nice pictures with this new camera.
Something sweet was made over the quiet weekend. Snickerdoodles, yum. So good with a cup of hot tea.
Things are slowly returning to normal here from the ice storm damage. It's to be very nice today and my plans are to work outside for a while this morning. My walking partners, R and R, and I have already scheduled a time to walk today.
Hope your weekend promises to be as nice as our is to be. I am so ready for spring.