Monday, July 1, 2013

I see you!

We have a new resident in the backyard!  Can you see it in the photo below hidden in the foliage of the asparagus bed?
It's a little fawn!  We've been watching its coming and goings for at least a week.  We feel certain this was the little fawn that walked by the gazebo down at The Puddle bleating recently.

We're hoping the fawn has not been abandoned.  Everything we've read on the internet says not to interfere with Mother Nature.  It's certainly hard to think of the little thing without it's mother's protection.  Information out there states that the fawns are placed somewhere safe during the day with Momma nursing the little one at dawn and again at dusk.  Mom is foraging and resting when she's not nursing the fawn.

The internet provided signs of distress to look for in the event there is a need to call someone for assistance (PA Game Commission?) but thankfully we haven't seen any of the ones listed.
The little one eats grass, clover, etc and then rests in the asparagus or along the edge of the woods next to the high weeds.  

It's also discovered some delightful munchies in the garden and has done quite a bit of trimming on my bean plants that I trellised.  Tonight when we walked to The Puddle to get the 1st of the month picture it popped out from underneath the wiegalia bushes along the deck.  It kept an eye on us and then meandered into the woods.  

When we came back up after snapping the next two photos, it was near the deck and the little tail went up and off it went into the woods.  I feel better that it seems more spooked when it sees us.  I was afraid it would get used to us outside and not be afraid.
We have our fingers crossed that Mom is nearby and in a short amount of time she will begin to take it with her when she forages in the field and woods.

Here are the first of the month pictures of The Puddle Pond.  Mr. P has been going down daily and using a huge cutting tool which gets tossed into the water and as it's dragged back to the bank it cuts the lily pad stems.  Then later in the day, he heads back down and uses a huge rake to pull in the lily pads that he decapitated earlier in the day.  As you can see from the pictures he's made some headway along a large portion of the edge.

I took some pictures of the sky this evening that I will post another day.  At one end of The Puddle, the skies were dark and gray and at the other white and fluffy.  Storms have been forecast for the area all week with some areas getting hit and some missed.  So far we have beeen missed by any major downpours but with such damp, humid weather, Mr P has been unable to get the lawn mowing done.

The light below is mounted between the garage doors at our detached garage and is a motion detector light.  For the past month, the light has turned on but when we went to see what might have tripped the light to go on, we couldn't see anything.  Now we think the swallow that built a nest on top of light itself is causing the light to come on as it leaves the nest periodically.  

I got to see my sister-in-law Miss V on Saturday for a short visit.  It was good to see her and catch up on her goings on.  Keep us informed, Miss V, on how hubby is doing since he wasn't along for the trip.
Hoping you had a good weekend and continue to have a good week.

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