Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Visit

We departed from our home last Tuesday headed for OnlyDaughter and OnlySonInLaw's home to, as they say, keep the home fires burning.  OnlyDaughter and OnlySonInLaw were headed to Atlanta, GA for the annual World Horror writers convention.  We were briefed on things we needed to know for the upcoming week and given a sheaf of papers that speaks well of OnlyDaughter's organizational skills.  There was information on when and what to feed the dogs, Kirby and Betty; care instructions for Chester (Grandson #2's guinea pig), directions to the middle and senior school, the boat house, etc.  When the documents permitting us to have the boys and pets medically treated in their absence are turned over along with medical insurance cards, my response is always "I don't anticipate needing these.".  OnlyDaughter's response is always, "If I didn't give them to you, you would probably need them."  (Fortunately, we have never needed to seek medical care for either the boys or the pets while in charge although there was one unsettling time several years ago with Grandson #1 and his new bike.)
The boys left for school the next morning and their parents departed for the airport.  Our most stressful time was that evening.  Grandson#1 went to crew practice on the Monongahela river after school.  Grandson #2 arrived home around 5PM and between 5PM and 6PM, dinner was served, a meal packed for a "carpicnic" for Grandson #1, the dogs feed and taken out, clothes put in a bag to be taken to the senior school for a musical concert Grandson #2 was participating in that evening.  Here's hoping that Grandson #2 has already spilled the beans but if not, now OnlyDaughter knows the details of our crazy ride.  Once Grandson #2 pointed out the start button to push to get us going and remind the driver that the brake needed pushed at the same time, we were on our way.  Then just as we were headed onto the parkway, Grandson #2 stated that "the trunk is open".  Not sure how that happened, but we pulled over to the side of the highway, got the "trunk" (aka hatch) closed and were on our way again.  With the exception of the young gal who fainted as one group of musicians was leaving the stage, the concert went off without a hitch.  What a talented group of young folks.  OnlyDaughter learned to play the flute beginning in fourth grade and continued playing through her last year of high school.  I can't read music but love most kinds (no twangy country stuff) and am so pleased that the Grandsons both play an instrument and read music.  They both love music.
We got to see the crew teams putting away their boats when we picked Grandson #1 up on Thursday evening at the rowing club where he practices.  Friday evening everyone was able to sigh with relief - no school the next day and the weekend before us.
The boys gave me lovely gifts for Mothers Day on Sunday.  We never got to christen the ice cream bowls while I was there and I can't wait to try the different teas I was given.  My knitting yarn for the socks I'm working on is now housed in the beautiful pottery knitting bowl.  The boys each planted a pot for on the patio for their Mom and made her a card.  Later in the day, Grandson #2 made cupcakes from scratch and iced them.  OnlyDaughter and OnlySonInLaw arrived home on Monday afternoon and assumed their parental roles.  There was a CocaCola baseball cap for Mr P who only drinks Pepsi, a cookbook of Georgia specialities and some peach cobbler topping mix for us.
What a surprise when we got home!  The weather at OnlyDaughter's was hot, humid with a brief shower early Saturday morning.  The weather here while we were gone was the same but boy did the grass grow, the weeds sprout and get taller and everything get greener and fill out.
Yesterday was hot but with the day off work yet, we managed to work together to get the mowing done, some of the weeding done and some of the garden planted.  Today the weather turned cooler and it was 64 degrees F when I left work at 3:30PM today.  A brisk breeze was blowing and a sweater or hoodie was needed to be comfortable outside.

Hoping you had a good weekend and a good start to your week wherever you are.  I can't believe that we are almost at mid-month in May already!  Time is flying and preparations for retirement need to be firmed up.  See you next time.

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading the blog!! Really enjoy your pictures,too. Especially the wildlife ones.
